The evening before the cleanup we expericed the most intense of storms in a long while here in the desert. I had problems trying to get down from the High Desert to the Low Desert for the cleanup. Roads were filled with 5’ + of mud, vehicles stuvk in mud and folks needing help was the situation here where I live In Joshua Tree. I didn’t let that stop me, I made it down the hill and so did another family who’s farm critters had to be safely removed from the mud and taken to dry off their hoofs.
The two images of the cars in mud were taken by my friend Todd Gordon.
Thanks to these Desert Defenders who came out or donated towards the Whitewater River Desert Cleanup III. This marked the 3rd year & despite the storm we had, folks made it out their of their properties, I made it out of the flooded aftermath in Joshua Tree. I understand for those who were trapped on their properties because of the flood.
Our turn out was small but between the 4.5 of us (the half was a baby on her mamas back, observing us) we put a dent in the count of trash we picked up.
With more flash flood warnings happening in the area we were careful to not get too deep in the river area which is at a trickle now, rattlesnakes were coming out of their dens to dry so we had to be careful reaching into shrubs.
Matt, owner of Whitewater Rock & Supply donated work gloves & the use of his dumpster whenever we need it for future events! THIS MADE MY HEART SMILE!
THANK YOU to the Eco Warriors who came out for those who couldn’t make it because of the flood I’m organizing another cleanup because we couldn’t get some stuff out due to the having to retrieve most waste shoved deep in the shrubs. RAKES are so good out here!
NEW DATE TBA keep posted, I’ll share on my events page on my website & social media.
Plan on GLOVES in case the donated ones don’t fit, bring work gloves, shovel & a rake. The trash hauled out most was diapers, tampons, feminine pads, condoms and wrappers, beer bottles/cans, broken glass, fast food packaging, human and dog feces (yep people are some real assholes sometimes), clothing, shoes, cannabis containers/vape pen cartridges.
One EZ up was hauled out this time.
Jacqueline & I dismantled the rocks people put up to form waiting pools, thinking of ways to discourage use of this place. This property is private, there are several NO TRESPASSING signs. The water is dangerously fast when it’s going.
Anyhow if you have read through all the above, if that MOVES you to help, please come out to the next event.