Every Leaf Speaks chats with The Practical Herbalist on Real Herbalism Radio.

My story with plant medicine, my journey with the plants, ethical wildcrafting practice, desert plants and their medicine and how I incorporate plants with the beauty industry, yes the beauty industry. I’m a hairdresser of 11 years now and I’ve seen the big changes in the beauty industry with products, color and customer demands for better ingredients, sustainable practices is rising as is quality ingredients. Change is happening and plants are part of it.

I’m a guest on the podcast Real Herbalism Radio which happens to be one of the podcast that helped me learn more about herbalism before I started my formal education with it at The Gaia School of Healing & Earth Education. If you are interested in learning more about plants and herbalism check out The Practical Herbalist . The show is Beauty From The Desert With Christina Sanchez
The guest Sue Sierralupe, Candace Hunter and Patrick Hunter are Herbalist who want to share with everyone plant knowldege. Very sweet folks and I’m so honored to of been a guest. I will also return in spring on Real Herbalism Radio to share more on wildcrafting as spring arrives and the abundance of Desert Medicine.

Green Blessings